Weekly Horoscope July 28 to August 3, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Surprising incidents may come your way. Favorable time for students and unemployed. You will develop your social contacts in society. Creative field people will overcome all the hurdles. You could make money on investments and all sorts of financial deals. Your initiative will get you noticed in a good way, especially by superiors. Your emotions, imagination and creativity are heightened. You will be feeling more hopeful about the future, and more confident that your emotional and financial needs will be met. Stayaway from unnecessary arguments and disputes. Health needs to be taken care.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): Favorable time to implement your thoughts into actions. You will receive some important information from distant relatives. Health issues may upset you continuously. However, you will be relieved in a short while certainly. You will take decisions based on your past experiences. Business people will earn huge profits. Your self-discipline and positive attitude will enable you to resolve and overcome any kind of tension. Employees who missed the opportunities to grow in their professional life will again get an opportunity to progress. You are advised to take care when shopping not to impulse buy and spend too much on unnecessary items.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Unexpected invitations will be received. There could be some delay in important matters. You will discuss few confidential matters with your friends. You will take initiative to compromise with your opponents and will succeed in that matter. Self-determination will enable you to overcome the mental stress. Employees will have favorable time. Writers and politicians will be in limelight. Misunderstandings with siblings are indicating. Right time for decisive actions, making important decisions. you can count on good judgement to take advantage of any opportunities for personal, material or spiritual growth.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): All the major tasks will be finished before the schedule. Favorable time to recover missing documents. Delightful moments with childhood friends are apparently indicating. You will meet new people and have more involvement with friends. Family members will extend their support in achieving your goals. New agreements will be made in property matters. Students who are appearing for competitive exams will succeed. Long journeys may upset your health. Good time to take a vacation and experience new things.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): You will get great relief by clearing all the pending loans. Misunderstandings with friends will be resolved. Favorable time for new contracts. You will get some special invitation from your well-wishers. You will take some crucial decisions and attract everyone’s attention. New contacts will flourish in journeys. You will collect some precious things at this phase. Business people are advised not to get worried about the present situations in business, as things will gradually progress in a short while. Unexpected opportunities may come your way.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Harmonious atmosphere prevails at home. Financial positions will improve. You will be relieved from nagging issues at this phase. an important information will be received from close circle. Students will get opportunities to join new courses. Employees will get promoted to higher positions at work. Additional responsibilities will keep you busy and make this a hectic period. Remember that patience, perseverance and a strong work ethic are your keys to success. Favorable time to send applications to new organizations.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Important tasks will run smoothly without any hurdles. Monetary gains will be received. You will be able to clear off pending debts now. Disagreements with relatives will be resolved. Your thinking is clear, and you are likely to help someone out by spelling things out for them. Students will succeed in competitions. Discussions regarding auspicious ceremony at home will be successful. Minor complications in health may trouble you. However, you will cope up quickly. Some of you are likely to buy expensive items at home. Sports people will get good recognition.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Mental strength is heightened, as is your instinct for how and when to start something. You have the self-confidence to achieve major success in any area of life from career to relationships. Opportunities for advancement and recognition are possible in your professional life. Blissful moments with childhood friends are indicating. Invitations will be received from influential people. You will take part in an auspicious ceremony. Communications will improve with relatives in distant places. Employees will enjoy the comfortable phase at work place. Those who are working in creative fields will meet their goals.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): You will share your ideas and thoughts with your family members. Good time to seek favors from siblings, especially to come out from tricky situations. Your sensitivity and empathy for your enemies will increase. You are likely to visit holy places. You will perform spiritual and religious rites at home. Unavoidable journeys are likely. A stronger than normal intuition can guide you in making quick decision on which way to go. A strong competitive streak makes this a promising time in business and sports. Your cheerfulness and generosity will bring favors and new friends.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): You will overcome hurdles and move forward in few important tasks. Legal mattes will come to an end with amicable solution. Expenditure will offset your income. Your decisions will allow others to think from other’s perspective. You can methodically plan out your course of action in the most efficient way. You will be able to change any kind of situation in your favor. Those who are seeking for new jobs may find abundant opportunities. Business people will earn good profits at this phase. Happy news received will keep you in good spirits.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Crucial matters will be discussed with important people. You will participate in social activities. Monetary gains are apparently indicating. Health issues may trouble you. Students will meet their goals. Some of you are likely to spend time in spiritual activities. Expensive items will be purchased at this phase. Employees will be relieved from work pressure. Try not to spend money on unnecessary things. There is a possibility of changes and excitement in your personal life without causing any chaos. You will feel more emotional, caring and loving.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Family members will respect your advices and action plans. Communications with friends and dear ones will increase at this phase. Discussions regarding an auspicious ceremony at home is likely, it could be about a marriage proposal also. Unemployed will find good jobs. Employees who are expecting transfers may receive positive response. People working in research fields will meet their goals. You will be able to clear all the hurdles pertain to buying and selling of property. Good time for socializing.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli