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Revanth bats for Seethakka as PCC chief!

Revanth bats for Seethakka as PCC chief!

The Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) will soon have a new president, likely to be chosen by the current PCC chief and Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy.

According to party sources, Revanth Reddy, who is currently in Delhi, will be holding discussions with the All India Congress Committee (AICC) leadership. Senior Telangana Congress leaders will also participate in these discussions.

“In all probability, the new PCC chief will be finalized by Friday,” sources said.

Former MP and Backward Classes leader Madhu Yashki Goud is lobbying intensively for the PCC chief post.

He met Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi on Thursday to present his case, advocating that the PCC chief post be given to a BC leader in the best interest of the party.

There was speculation that the AICC leadership had promised sulking senior leader T Jeevan Reddy the PCC chief position.

However, sources suggest the party might avoid appointing another Reddy to replace Revanth Reddy to prevent internal party dissatisfaction.

On the other hand, the chief minister is reportedly advocating for his loyalist and state minister for tribal welfare, D Seethakka, arguing that it has been a long time since a tribal leader was made PCC chief.

However, the real reason appears to be Revanth Reddy's desire for a compliant PCC chief who won't challenge him.

Nevertheless, the high command is unlikely to choose Seethakka, as she may not be able to manage senior leaders effectively, despite having Revanth Reddy's backing. Her appointment could lead to internal conflicts within the party.

Other senior leaders, such as Dalit leader A Sampath Kumar or another tribal leader Balaram Naik, are also considered strong contenders for the PCC chief post.

If the high command follows Revanth Reddy's recommendation, Seethakka might get the position. Otherwise, Madhu Yashki Goud could be appointed as the PCC chief, sources said.


Tags: Telangana Revanth Reddy Madhu Yashki Goud Seethakka