Hyderabad: This is another heartbreaking story of a Covid warrior. A young lady doctor lost her battle to the deadly virus barely a week after delivering a baby.
Dr. Farha Niloufer, 31, succumbed to the virus at Princess Esra Hospital in the old city of Hyderabad on Wednesday.
The pediatrician, who was serving at government-run Area Hospital in Gajwel, continued working during the pandemic and did not avail maternity leave despite suggestions from her friends and colleagues.
Known for her dedication, she was working in the out-patient department and was also on Covid vaccination duty.
About 10 days ago she tested positive for Covid and was admitted to the private hospital in Hyderabad.
Dr. Farha did her MBBS from Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences and MD in Pediatrics from Niloufer hospital, Hyderabad.
An Assistant professor in pediatrics, she was posted as Clinical Associate at Area Hospital in Gajwel.
The young doctor's death has shocked the medical fraternity.
According to Hima Bindu, Professor, Kakatiya Medial College, Warangal, Dr. Farha died of Covid complications. She was put on ventilator three days ago.
"She was very talented, dynamic and energetic doctor and was a very dedicated pediatrician," Hima Bindu said.
Dr. Farha's colleagues at Gajwel hospital said they had advised her to take maternity leave but she ignored their suggestions, saying the hospital needs her services during the pandemic time.
Telangana has so far lost 21 doctors to Covid during the second wave of the pandemic.
Healthcare Reforms Doctors Association, an organization working for reforms in healthcare sector especially in rural areas of Telangana, has demanded exgratia for all healthcare workers who succumbed to Covid in the line of duty.