The Centre on Friday took it seriously the Andhra Pradesh government’s aggressive approach in barging on to Nagarajunsagar dam in the early hours of Thursday and forcibly releasing Krishna water from the right canal.
Union home secretary held a teleconference with the officials of the both the governments in the evening and ordered the restoration of the status quo at the dam site. This order includes the immediate withdrawal of Andhra Pradesh police forces.
Bhalla took exception to Andhra Pradesh forces taking control of the dam’s 13 gates and the right canal head regulator. This takeover involved damaging CCTV cameras and other infrastructure at the dam office, actions that have intensified the dispute between the neighbouring states.
The union Home Secretary took exception to the midnight operations of the AP police. He asked them to restore normalcy immediately.
He directed the Krishna River Management Board officials to reach the dam site immediately and initiate measures to defuse tension on the inter- state borders.
He also directed officials to step up surveillance at the project if needed by drawing reinforcements from the CRPF stationed in both States.
He wanted the obstructions put up by barricading and fencing of the roads leading to the dam to be cleared immediately.
The Centre said further discussions would be held after the formation of new government after December 4. Till then, both the governments should maintain status quo.