I doubt if there is anyone manipulating this Vlogger Anvesh from behind to influence the voters.
However, the fundamental point is that he lacks a basic understanding of the economy and politics but boasts as if he knows everything around the world, given that he is a travel vlogger. Anvesh should realize that traveling around the world with a different girl in each country doesn't bring wisdom about world politics and the economy. His interest for travel can be appreciated but the way he analysed the administration of a state in India speaks volumes about his political ignorance and financial illiteracy.
The first point he should realize that Zimbabwe is a country, and Andhra Pradesh is a state in India. He has shown how the President of Zimbabwe printed currency notes, resulting in a rise in inflation in the country. However, nothing of that sort has happened in AP as it is a state. Welfare schemes in AP are being implemented with the circulation of existing money, not by printing new currency. Moreover, almost every scheme operates through white transfers, so there is no scope for skyrocketing inflation like in Zimbabwe.
Furthermore, the basic economic lesson is that any state in India can depend on loans within a particular limit. The Central government and the finance systems function harmony with the nation's economic wellbeing when it comes to the granting loans for different states. Many states above AP, such as Punjab and Tamil Nadu, depend on more loans than AP. Anvesh should learn such facts before saying something.
Anvesh also suggests as if there is almost zero income generation in the state of AP. If that were the case, why is the state contributing towards a commendable GST collection every month? If there were no business activity, how could GST be collected? Does he has any idea on this statistics?
Anvesh, who is traveling around the world, might not be aware of what is happening in the state of AP. Many medical colleges, airports, and sea ports are under construction, and work is progressing at a significant pace. Numerous industries are emerging, like an Electric Vehicle company in Chittoor district and some companies in Kopparti of Kadapa district.
Anvesh! it would be better for you to confine yourself to your travel vlogs catering to the audience who enjoys your content.
Some film actors and media groups belonging to TDP are encouraging this individual, giving him free publicity for quite some time. There arises suspicion if they have been using him to confuse and influence voters to support TDP. The agenda becomes clear, especially considering this abrupt video from him.
Anvesh! if this is genuinely your own opinion, that's fine. However, if you've fallen into the trap of someone else to create this video, it's advisable to steer clear; otherwise, you risk losing a segment of your fan base.
Anvesh is merely echoing what the yellow media has been asserting all these years. There is nothing new in the matter, and relating the inflation in Zimbabwe to the state of AP is laughable.
Some time ago, the yellow media tried to relate the economic downfall situation of Sri Lanka with Andhra Pradesh. Many rational minds tried to explain that Sri Lanka is a country and AP is a state in India and so the comparision is ludicrous. Anvesh might have missed that topic while busy eating snake meat curry and frog fries on his Chinese tour.
Madhunandan Akkishetty