My Dear Pawan Kalyan!
You never think before speaking. You always jump into talking some nonsense assuming that you are making intelligent statements. You never look back into the history of your own.
I was shocked when you said that the coverts under YSR collapsed Praja Rajyam Party. Did you make this statement consciously or wanted to play around with an idea of indoctrinating the public with wrong history?
You should remember that the biggest covert in Praja Rajyam Party was Parakala Prabhakar. He worked for TDP in later stage. You should recall that you too criticized him some time ago.
Then comes Devender Goud, another covert. In later stages Chandrababu promoted him to Rajya Sabha out of his respect for the effective covert services.
The third covert was Kesineni Nani who is an MP in TDP at present. Ganta, who enjoyed the Ministry through PRP is still in TDP now.
You should also remember the yellow media that wrote negative articles against Chiranjeevi with broad headings. Chiranjeevi was utterly insulted by the TDP allied media at that time. You should ask yourself who were the real coverts and who collapsed your brother's PRP.
The irony is that you are also living in the shadow of TDP right now. I don't understand if you are an innocent person or think too much about yourself and assume that the people are fools to believe in anything you talk.
Katasani Prabhakar