Dallas, TX: Plant-a-Tree community project was organized by Mahatma Gandhi Memorial of North Texas (MGMNT) in partnership with Texas Tree Foundation, City of Irving and DFW community.
Over 100 community volunteers including Plant-a-Tree sponsors, University of Texas-Arlington students, DFW Community leaders participated in the event.
Mr. Rao Kalvala, Secretary & Construction Committee Chair, MGMNT in his welcome address stated that Mahatma Gandhi was a strong supporter of environment protection and Gandhi quoted “The earth, the air, the land and the water are not my inheritance from our fore fathers but on loan from our children. So we have to handover to them at least as it was handed over to us”, Mr. Kalvala appreciated Texas Tree Foundation team Ms. Janet Monear, CEO, Mr. Matt Grubisich Director, Mr. Tyler Wright Urban Forester, also appreciated Mr. Alan Meagher Council Member, City of Irving, for their partnership with MGMNT.
Mahatma Gandhi’s messages must be carried forward said Mr. Kalvala and appreciated the hard work and efforts of Dr. Prasad Thotakura, the Initiator & Chairman of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial for his vision in making the community’s dream of having Mahatma Gandhi Memorial in the heart of the metro area as reality.
Dr. Prasad Thotakura, Chair, MGMNT stated that one of the key Mahatma Gandhi message is about preserving the environment and planting trees He was much ahead of his times and he is more relevant to our times than his own times. He emphasized the Gandhi’s value foundations of society – Truth, nonviolence, Love, Compassion and Equality and requested all to strive for a better society where everyone is treated equally and mutually respected.
Also, Dr. Thotakura express deep condolences to the victims of Paris bombings and the crowd observed 2-minute silence.
The event started with a Ribbon cutting ceremony by Dr. Prasad Thotakura, along with special guests, volunteers and MGMNT Board of Directors Mr. Taiyab Kundawala, Mr. Rao Kalvala. Mrs. Shabnam Modgil, Mr. John Hammond and Mrs. Swati Shah and prominent DFW community leaders.
Texas Tree Foundation gave a demo to the volunteers and very quickly all the 100 volunteers participated in the planting of 40 Texas native trees. All the volunteers, sponsors thanked MGMNT board for taking initiating the noble cause and encouraged MGMNT to undertake similar projects in the future.
Dr. Prasad Thotakura thanked Mr. Lokesh Naidu, Mr. Chalapathi Kondrakunta and Mr. Abhay Kulkarni for coordinating volunteers from UT Arlington ISA and from community at-large to help with this project. Dr. Thotakura specially thanked Mr. Taiyab Kundawala, Mr. Rao Kalvala, Mr. Sai Sathish Ganesa, Mr. Sudhir Pai, Mr. John Hammond, Mr. Ravi Dokku, Mr. Ram Chowdary Upputuri, Mr. Sury Thaigarajan, Mr. Tabbassum Mumtaz, Ampex Brands, Discount Power, Dr. Juzar Lokhandwala, Mr. Munir Kundawala, India Bazaar, Dr. Chandra Patel, Mr. Zoher Bharmal, Mr. Akram Sayed and Mr. Naved Sayed for sponsoring the Tree Plantation project.