Senior Telangana Congress leader and former Rajya Sabha member V Hanumantha Rao on Tuesday accused Telangana Rashtra Samithi president and chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao of blindly following the advices of spiritual leaders in ruling the state.
VH was arrested by the police on Tuesday, when he led a delegation of Congress leaders to stage a dharna at the Bison Polo Ground in protest against the KCR government’s decision to o construct the Secretariat on the land meant for sports and recreation.
He alleged that KCR was giving preference to the advice of Swamijis in shifting the Secretariat from the existing place to the Bison Polo Grounds in the name of Vasthu defects in the existing complex near Hussainsagar.
“He has no faith in his abilities to deliver good governance, but believes in Vasthu. How can a person who never went to Secretariat think of building a new Secretariat?” he asked.
The police stopped the protest by taking down the tent put up by the Congress leaders for the agitation following which an argument ensued between VH who warned the officials not to touch him.
Eventually, the police arrested him. He was physically lifted into a waiting police vehicle and taken to a police station.