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USA: No More Deportations, Students Can Work Part Time?

USA: No More Deportations, Students Can Work Part Time?

Are you on a valid student visa in the USA but scared to do a part-time job fearing deportation? Fear no more! Your savior has arrived — and no, it's not your immigration lawyer.

It's none other than KA Paul, the internationally acclaimed evangelist and now, apparently, the unofficial guardian angel of struggling students.

In his latest viral video, KA Paul boldly declares, "If you have a valid student visa and get caught working part-time, simply show my letter to the authorities. It will feature the names of Trump, Biden, and my photo on the prestigious letterhead of my Global Peace Initiative. Just show that to the immigration officer. What should the letter say? 'Dr. KA Paul is fighting for me, he is supporting me, I am his fan.' That's enough. Nobody can deport you."

Yes, folks! Move aside, expensive immigration attorneys and complicated legal paperwork. All you need now is "KA Paul's Golden Ticket".

Why worry about work authorization when you can flash a letter with names of two American presidents and a self-proclaimed peace ambassador?

Maybe the immigration officer will salute you, hand over a green card, and offer you a part-time job right on the spot. If this works, Uber drivers and grocery cashiers will soon be shouting, "In KA Paul, We Trust!"

Well, the immigration officers may also find a new memo from Homeland Security titled "The KA Paul Protection Act of 2025."

With this revolutionary strategy, who needs a work permit anymore? 

The real suspense, however, lies in the grand experiment — what actually happens when a student confidently hands over this divine letter to an immigration officer.

Will they get a work permit or a one-way ticket back home with cuffed hands? Only time will tell.


Tags: USA Student Visa Indian Student