Sachin Bansal, the co-founder of Flipkart, has been slammed online after he recommended a sexist Twitter handle named 'LifeMathMoney' to his followers on the micro-blogging site and suggested that men could learn a lot it.
"One of the accounts I recommend that all men on twitter follow is @LifeMathMoney. He will teach you many things you need to know. Women can follow if too, if they want," the tweet read.
Bansal went on to suggest that women could follow the account too, if they wanted.
LifeMathMonday's Twitter bio said, "Get Rich. Get Fit. Get Smarter. Learn what the schools won't teach you", and is followed by 97,000 Twitter users.
The handle shared some really sexist tweets in the form of lessons to educate its followers.
Soon, Twitter users slammed Bansal for his suggestion.
"It's pathetic and cringey and I can see how much the recommender has learnt from it," a user wrote.
"Not sure what the last sentence meant, Sachin. And the tweets from that account are quite misogynistic. Is that something to be learned too?" wrote another user.
The tweet has already gained around 1,000 likes along with around 200 comments and counting.
A Twitter user named @kavitharao wrote: "interesting to see you recommend an account that endorses marital rape, among other things."