Donald Trump is showing his aggressiveness in implementing his policies. Deportations are happening on a large scale, and it doesn't stop there—there are clear indications that there will be a crackdown on people living with fake green cards.
Moreover, consultancies run by some Telugu individuals in the USA are known for nefarious activities, such as providing fake green cards in exchange for hefty payments.
Some individuals have committed financial fraud in Telugu associations, manipulating matching grants and other schemes. If they are caught, they fear that other illicit activities will also be exposed during investigations.
Fearing this, some have already moved back to India to avoid staying in the USA during Trump's tenure.
The last five years were exploited by many Indians in the USA, as law enforcement was weaker. The lack of fear of the government and weak Democratic leadership gave them the impetus to get involved in various activities in pursuit of dollars.
Many Indian students and part-time workers also became involved in scams, which recently came to light, much to the shame of the Indian community. All of that is now facing a checkmate with Trump's stricter policies.
Additionally, many Indians and Telugu people running restaurants in the USA are worried that their businesses will be affected by the deportation of illegal immigrants, as a majority of their workers are low-paid illegal immigrants from Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, and other countries.
All in all, many Indians connected to illegal businesses, businesses with illegal immigrants, or those using fake identities are feeling the pressure. Many are voluntarily moving back to India to avoid potential dangers down the line.