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Big States Must Be Split Like AP & Telangana

Big States Must Be Split Like AP & Telangana

India’s largest states, like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Maharashtra, should be divided into multiple provinces to ensure better governance and faster development.

Managing massive populations under a single administration often leads to uneven development and governance inefficiencies.

A great example is the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

Before division, United Andhra Pradesh’s Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) was lower than Tamil Nadu’s.

However, after the split, the combined GSDP of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana has surpassed Tamil Nadu’s, proving that smaller, well-managed states can achieve higher economic growth.

By creating smaller, more focused administrative units, resources can be allocated efficiently, local industries can flourish, and regional imbalances can be reduced.

Breaking up large states like Uttar Pradesh, which has a population larger than Brazil, could unlock its true economic potential and drive faster progress, just as seen in Andhra and Telangana.


Tags: Telangana Andhra Pradesh Tamilnadu