YSR Congress party on Thursday demanded that the TDP government release a white paper and a calendar pronouncing categorically as to when the poll promises will be fulfilled besides giving a joint statement with Bankers on loan waiver.
“TDP is drifting away from the Gandhji’s principles of truth and nonviolence as it has been telling stark lies on the loan waiver and other poll promises and has been carrying out attacks on political adversaries besides encouraging defections,” party general secretary Ummareddy Venkateswralu told reporters here on Thursday.
“We demand that the State Government release a white paper with a full calendar as to when the election promises will be fulfilled and also it should hold a joint press conference with bankers to allay fears of farmers and bring clarity on the loan waiver issue. The farmers are in the dark and do not know as to when their documents will be released and when the government will pay to bank to clear their loans. The loan waiver issue has been heavily diluted, adversely affecting the farmers, women self help groups, weavers and other sections while the job for every house scheme did not take off nor was the unemployment stipend paid which shows the government has scant respect for the welfare schemes,” he said.
The failures of the government will be questioned by people and the Opposition during the Janmabhoomi programme and we demand the State to be very categorical and bring out a calendar as to when it will implement the poll promises, he said