Will the ongoing Telangana drama witness a twist in the climax scene?
Like the box office hit "Pokiri" movie, will there be a surprise twist towards the climax?
Though the UPA government has put the bifurcation process on a fast track and the Group of Ministers (GoM) is working overtime to finalize its report on Telangana state formation, there is a talk in political circles that a surprise twist may well be in the offing.
To begin with, the GoM is divided over certain contentious issues involved in the division of Andhra Pradesh like the future status of Hyderabad.
Some members are of the opinion that the city can be given a partial Union Territory status by bringing certain subjects like law and order, revenue and land administration under the control of Governor, while others want a Central Coordination Council to oversee the affairs of the city after bifurcation.
There are some who argue that such an arrangement needs a constitutional amendment.
At the end of all this hectic exercise, the UPA government might still succeed in introducing the Telangana Bill in Parliament but it may not be passed by the House.
"Remember what happened to the woman's reservation bill? The Telangana bill may also meet a similar fate. It will be introduced in the House but may not see the light of the day," a source in the ruling Congress said.
Several hurdles are likely including objections from the main opposition BJP. There is also a possibility of Supreme Court seeking certain clarifications on the procedure being followed to split Andhra Pradesh.
By introducing the bill in the Parliament, the Congress wants to prove its commitment to the cause of Telangana statehood.
It may cite BJP's obstructionist attitude as the reason for failure to pass the bill.
A section of influential Congress leaders still feel that the Telangana state may not become a reality before the 2014 elections.
The Congress may go to the people, explaining that it had done everything within its means to fulfill the statehood dream but was helpless because of the hurdles that were not in its control.