It is absolutely clear now that under the current administration, Andhra Pradesh will regress to the stone ages. Not a single promise made to the State is being fulfilled by the Centre and all that the Chief Minister is doing is picking up the crumbs thrown by Modi.
“How can Jalikattu be compared to special status? What will confrontation with the Centre achieve? I will be at the forefront of any agitation for the interests of the State,” said Chandrababu Naidu.
Each statement of the Chief Minister is contradictory. There is no way that people of Andhra Pradesh can trust Chandrababu Naidu to act in their best interests.
When the Centre announced the decision to carve out Telangana, Chandrababu was completely missing in action. He came out a few days later and his response was not to condemn the Centre and ask it to go back on its decision, but this, “We are going to need Rs 5 lakh crore for constructing a new capital.”
Millions of people of Andhra Pradesh cutting across caste and community lines had come on to the streets to protest the bifurcation and all that Naidu could think about was Rs 5 lakh crore for a new capital?
Without even a capable and strong Chief Minister, people of Tamil Nadu forced the Centre to go back on its decision. Had Naidu been the CM of Tamil Nadu, Jalikattu ban would have not been taken back.
The TDP government seems to be working with the sole objective of further empowering and enriching a particular community and the son of the Chief Minister. And as the Chief Minister surges ahead in this objective, Andhra Pradesh and its welfare are completely thrown to the dogs.