The political circles are abuzz with a new name, Rukmini, who has emerged as a pivotal figure in Janasena.
For quite some time, Nandendla Manohar has been known as the key player within the party.
However, it is now necessary to approach Pawan Kalyan through Rukmini for any matters concerning Janasena.
Not only is she handling the personal assignments of Janasenani, but she has also been regarded as the "veera mahila" of Janasena for several years.
Rukmini, hailing from the United Krishna district, initially resided in London. Within Jana Sena, she gained recognition as one of its prominent figures.
According to Jana Sena leaders, she used to take care of Pawan's foreign trips. Taking this into account, Rukmini has been elevated within the party. Pawan appointed her as the Vice Chairman of the Janasena Central Affairs Committee back in 2020.
It's worth noting that in 2022, Rukmini made the move from London to Hyderabad.
Previously, it was whispered among Jana Sena leaders that whatever Nandendla says, Pawan follows suit. Now, Rukmini has found her place in that esteemed list.