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Who Is Blocking Anam Brothers' Entry Into TDP?

Who Is Blocking Anam Brothers' Entry Into TDP?

The latest story doing rounds in political circles is that the entry of prominent Nellore politicians ex minister Anam Ramnarayan Reddy and his brother Anam Vivekananda Reddy into TDP is being stalled by a senior TDP politician.

In the past, when the Anam brothers were in the ruling party, there would be constant exchange of words between them and Somireddy Chandra Mohan Reddy.

At that time, Anam Vivekananda Reddy had made many allegations on Chandra Mohan Reddy. Similarly, Chandra Mohan Reddy would leave no chance to criticize Anam brothers.

Also, the Anam brothers do not share a cordial relationship with ex Congress minister Aadala Prabhakar Reddy who recently defected into TDP.

Naturally, their entry into TDP is being opposed by all of them. It is being rumoured that these leaders have been telling Chandra Babu that there would no value addition to the party by allowing the Anam brother into the party as the elections are five years away. So, the matter is still pending with Babu, it has emerged.