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Where Is Telangana Advisory Council?

Where Is Telangana Advisory Council?

Remember when KCR became Chief Minister of Telangana State on June 2, 2014, the first thing he announced was that he would constitute a State Advisory Council comprising of experts and specialists from various walks of life, such as, economics, public administration, governance, human rights, education, public health, journalism, culture and sports, etc., to advise the State Government on the issues of public importance and governance.

He said that the Telangana government will function as per the directions given by the Council.

His statements then received overwhelming response from Telangana intellectuals who thought this would be a reality soon and there would be no 'democratic CM' in India other than KCR for taking such a decision.

Already 16 months have passed since then but no one knows about the fate of that Council till now.

Sources said KCR had quietly buried the Council even before it was born as he became habituated to running the 'one-man show' administration during the last 16 months and there was no need for any intellectuals to guide him in policy-making and administration.