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What Advantage Do We Have?

What Advantage Do We Have?

It is nearly six months now for the TDP and TRS governments in office. While the TDP is a partner of the NDA at the ‘Center’, the TRS can at best be regarded as indifferent in its relations with the Center.

However, the TDP's close proximity to the Union Government does not seem to have resulted in any tangible benefits to AP apart from the 24/7 power supply to the State.

Not a single promise made to AP in the ‘Re-Organization Bill’ has been fulfilled.

While one can understand the State of Telangana not getting any support from the Center because of the hostile demeanor of KCR, what wrong did AP do?

Why is Naidu not pushing for the ‘special status’ and other promises made to AP at the time of bifurcation?

What advantage is the State getting from TDP’s alliance with BJP?