Vote bank politics are the curse of this nation! Normally, one is entitled to a pay hike for putting up a good performance.
That is why the private sector is considered to be more efficient than the public sector where you don’t pamper the employees for a lifetime and give them job security which even the Supreme Court can’t tamper with.
It is perform or perish in the private sector and it is high time this policy was introduced in the public sector too.
With both the governments of AP and Telangana agreeing to increase the wages of the RTC employees, who exactly is the winner here and who is the loser?
The winners obviously are the RTC employees for their salaries have been nearly doubled whereas the losers as is usual in a democracy are the people.
Naidu or KCR will not pay the people out of their pockets.
It is the people who shall bear the burden of the enhanced hike? How can the wages of a company be increased that is showing losses consistently?
And while the demand was for 43% fitment, KCR in order to score a point over Naidu announced 44%.
Our daily lives are dictated by such imbeciles. Tough action against the employees would have meant losing their votes.
It is high time these RTC employees fight for improving the balance sheet of their corporation instead og going on a mass strike and playing cricket and other games at the bus stands with their families as the public suffers.
Now every Tom, Dick and Harry in both States can go on a strike for higher wages.
And the Government will have to pay! How can they discriminate between one set of employees and others?