Using his intelligence, Venkayya Naidu tried to make the BJP in AP also, a hub for the Kammas. But the BJP realised this smart game plan of the yellow gang and the constant ways in which Venkayya was backing Naidu and his schemes, in Delhi.
It came up with a master stroke. It made Venkayya Naidu Vice-President thereby putting an end to all his influence on the political scene.
At the same time, no one can accuse the BJP of showing disrespect to Venkayya because he is now Vice-President.
After disabling the Venkayya function, BJP then made Kanna Lakshmi Narayana as State BJP President instead of K Haribabu, a Venkayya Naidu and Chandrababu loyalist because he belonged to their community.
After Venkayya Naidu became VP, his coterie in the BJP has become silent. It is only the other leaders who are criticising TDP and CBN.
Also, the coterie of Venkayya Naidu comprising leaders such as Somu Veerraju is not extending their support to Kanna.
Already at the receiving end for injustice to AP, this infighting will not do the BJP any good.