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Troubles Of YSRCP Deserters In Telangana

Just before the MLC elections, TRS managed to attract opposition party members luring them with big promises.

Now, the elections are over and talk is that the use of these deserters is also over. So, erstwhile YSRCP MLAs like Tatikonda Venkateswarlu, Madanlal are said to be quite distressed about the way they are being treated now.

Apparently, prior to MLC elections, they were treated with interest and promised a bright future. Now, that their 'role' is over, no one is giving them any weight in TRS say the MLAs.

They say that the very people who lured them into TRS are not picking their phones these days and the party is not giving any funds to their constituencies.

In all, they are unhappy and confess that they should have remained in YSRCP for good. On the other hand, while Payam Venkateswarlu has been getting MP funds from Srinivas Reddy, their plight is really sad say the MLAs.

Also, they now fear that TRS will now shame them among their own cadre in days to come. So, on the whole, the said MLAs are now planning to return to YSRCP.