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Traffic Woes For Hyderabad City Cops

In Hyderabad, nothing is more frustrating than having to wait for an eternity as some Minister’s convoy passes by.

The problem of late has only intensified and the poor traffic cops in the city are a harassed lot.

Earlier, it used to be only one CM and his Ministers apart from the Governor or some visiting VVIP’s who could command priority on the roads.

Thanks to the bifurcation, the cops are now running helter-skelter trying to ease the travel for both Naidu and KCR and their ministers. And if there is a last minute change of schedules for either of them then all hell breaks loose.

Yesterday, Naidu’s convoy came from Srinagar Colony to Panjagutta and due to a last minute change of plans, KCR also started out from Banjara Hills via Nagarjuna Circle. The cops had a tough time virtually bringing the traffic in the surrounding areas to a standstill and several motorists got into arguments with the traffic cops.

But what can the poor cops do? They are at the whims and fancies of whoever is in power and Hyderabad city would have to put up with it until Naidu permanently shifts base to Seemandhra. But that day seems to be very far off as Naidu has expressed his hope of coming to power in Telangana also in the near future.