The situation of Andhra Pradesh and the fate of Telugu people is in dire straits right now thanks to the bunch of crooked and greedy politicians and their decisions.
At this moment, extracting Telangana out of Andhra Pradesh and making it a reality seems to be coming closer.
With this, a new demand has risen.
This demand is to rename Andhra Pradesh as ‘Telugu Nadu’ once AP and Telangana get separated.
It is heard that one group has started this new movement that it must be named as ‘Telugu Nadu’ since the land is not getting identified with the language.
Buzz is that the movement is initiated by a group of NRIs.
Some are feeling this is one reason why identity for Telugu people has become an issue and whenever south Indians are spoken of, only Tamil people are remembered.
So this group demands that Telugu Nadu must be kept for Andhra Pradesh.
Well, with so many movements happening, we have to see how much this will work.