In democracy the role of opposition leaders is to point out the mistakes if any by the ruling party. If they are silent it should be understood in two ways.
One, there are no mistakes on the side of the ruling party; or the second, the opposition leaders are afraid of the ruling party.
After JC Diwakar Reddy was kept in jail, the voices of both Diwakar and his brother Prabhakar went into mute mode. They are not pointing out any issue.
Atchen Naidu after coming out from the prison became silent. He is not criticising any aspect of the ruling party.
Same is the case with Kollu Ravindra, the Minister who went inside on a murder case. Even Chintamaneni is silent now.
There are many aspects right from Antarvedi chariot burning incident to Jagan's declaration issue to comment or criticise. But nobody is opening the mouth.
"If the opposition leaders are so afraid of arrests how can democracy run? They should show their might only now. Otherwise they prove to be impotent to be in politics", wrote a TDP supporter on FB articulating the above.
Are the leaders really afraid or not finding any mistake on the ruling party's side is the big question.