The announcement made by the Andhra Pradesh state government employees calling off their strike after a series of negotiations with the five-member committee of ministers and officials late on Saturday night appears to have come as a big disappointment for the Telugu Desam Party and the media houses supporting it, more than anybody else.
The employees’ union leaders were convinced that the government had come down and offered the best possible solution in the given financial conditions.
They even said the government had conceded majority of their demands and after meeting the chief minister on Sunday, they said they really felt sympathetic towards him, as they could understand his compulsions.
But the TDP seems to be frustrated with the agreement between the employees and the government.
The TDP leaders were hoping, after seeing the Chalo Vijayawada rally, that the employees would revolt against Jagan government and it would ultimately benefit the TDP.
With the employees calling off their strike, the euphoria of the TDP leaders has vanished.
The pro-TDP media has started blaming the JAC leaders saying they had betrayed the cause of the employees and surrendered to Jagan.
They are now trying to provoke a section of employees and teachers against the JAC leaders by making an analysis saying the agreement was completely hollow and the government had taken the employees for a ride.
TDP leaders alleged that the JAC leaders had called off their strike only due to undue pressure from the YSRC government.
The party demanded that the leaders to explain whether they had got clear promises from the government on the main demands before announcing the withdrawal of their call for strike.
TDP MLA D Veeranjaneya Swamy said an issue relating to the future of lakhs of employees was settled unilaterally and in an unjustifiable manner.
In the meeting with the ministers' committee, the aspirations and demands of employees were not considered at all.
“The JAC leaders have clearly surrendered to the government,” he alleged.