With reports of a 'swine flu' epidemic in Hyderabad emerging once again, instead of reacting promptly to take measures, the Telangana government is trying to hush up things!
While four deaths have already been reported from various quarters, apparently the government has hushed up the deaths of two people.
Alarmingly, cases of the deadly virus affecting people are continuing to pour in by the day.
That the government is incapable of dealing with the emergency is well proved by the fact that instead of sensitizing the public to the virus and distributing medicine, the government is in a damage control mode as it fears a backlash from the public and media over its inability.
The Telangana government need not feel shy at admitting its ineptitude in this regard and keeping in mind the safety of the public, it should promptly call for help from suitable and more qualified quarters. A delay could result in the loss of even more lives!