In the all-time classic 'Forrest Gump', Tom Hanks who plays the lead role is asked the question: "Are you stupid or something?" And the answer he gets is "Stupid is as stupid does".
Probably, the same response can be got from the CM of Telangana. The man has surely got to be insane.
The sanitation workers were demanding a pay hike of 42% and he gives them 47%. If that is so, why did he allow the strike to fester for so long?
It was the same when the RTC employees went on a strike. The demand was for an increase in basic pay of 43%, but KCR gave them 44%. In doing so, he is throwing all fiscal prudence to the winds.
KCR should remember that it is people’s money he is spending, not the money he got from tilling land at his farmhouse.
When bargaining with an auto rickshaw driver, if he asks Rs 100 and you give him Rs 120 just because you can afford it, he will surely be happy. But what will he charge the next time around? Of course you can give him 120 on the basis of ideology.
But what if the money does not belong to you and you are only a custodian? Then you will obviously try to save every single ruppe, right? unfortunately, that is not the case with KCR!
Kiran Sharma