The unthinkable has happened! For the first time in four years since coming to power, Chandrababu Naidu has called for an all-party meeting on Tuesday.
Why did the man who did not bother to solicit the opinion of the other parties in the State when grabbing land from farmers of Amaravati, going ahead with Pattiseema or accepting the special package declared in theory by the Centre, have a change of heart all off a sudden and turn democratic?
What is the agenda behind this move? Simple!
CBN knows perfectly well that the YSRCP will not anyway attend the meeting. He could then go tell the people that he had tried for an all-party consensus on fighting for special status from the Centre but the YSRCP had thwarted his efforts.
ABN Andhra Jyothi would faithfully report the same to the people and make YSRCP as the villain along with indulging in more BJP bashing. The rest of the yellow media will play along.
But Chandrababu should realise that he has gone so far down the road that people will not believe any Goebbels propaganda he resorts to, anymore.
His four-year rule has been one of unmitigated corruption and complete indifference to the public. Crying crocodile tears in the Assembly will no longer help him.
And Janasena which was sleeping with the TDP and BJP till yesterday has suddenly done a U-turn and become an enemy of the TDP.
Will it attend the all-party meeting? We have to wait and see.