Some journalists lack a comprehensive understanding of the world, often falling into the trap of believing and spreading gossip without conducting proper inquiries or calculations.
This is evident in recent instances where journalists questioned the expenses incurred on Ponguleti's daughter's wedding, exaggerating the figures into hundreds of crores. In response, Ponguleti cautioned against succumbing to the false propaganda of other political leaders and questioned the feasibility of a wedding costing such exorbitant amounts.
In reality, even the most extravagant destination weddings abroad are estimated to cost between Rs 10 Cr to Rs 15 Cr at the highest. Event managers specializing in high-end weddings emphasize that a grand and unforgettable event can be achieved with an investment of around Rs 10 Cr.
It's important to note that any substantial gift from an affluent father to his daughter, such as a portion of his property worth several hundred crores, should not be naively added to the overall marriage expenses.
Certain celebrities may choose to remain silent when faced with gossip about extravagant wedding expenses, letting the exaggerated figures circulate to boost their sense of pride.
Similar rumors surrounded Gali Janardana Reddy's house wedding in the past, but it's crucial to recognize that the gossip and propaganda surrounding celebrity events often far exceed the actual expenditure.
"Same applies to the gossips surrounding the wedding ceremonies in the richest Indian families including that of Ambanis, Roys, Mittals etc. Whatever is in public domain need not be believed blindly", said an high-end event manager of affluent weddings.