While the nation is suffering continued lockdowns and fears regarding the spread of Coronavirus, the government has come up with a mobile App named Arogya Setu.
The idea of this App is to inform the people about the Covid 19 victims moving nearer to them. Millions of people have downloaded this App and started using a few days back, on the call of Prime Minister Modi.
To this, Rahul Gandhi has tweeted: "The Arogya Setu app, is a sophisticated surveillance system, outsourced to a pvt operator, with no institutional oversight - raising serious data security & privacy concerns. Technology can help keep us safe; but fear must not be leveraged to track citizens without their consent".
As a fitting reply to this, Ravi Shankar Prasad, the Minister for Law and Justice, Information Technology tweeted: "Aarogya Setu is now being appreciated globally. The App is NOT outsourced to any private operator. Mr. Gandhi really high time that you stop outsourcing your tweets to your cronies who do not understand India".