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Perceptions Change Fast!

One of the problems with getting decisive majorities in politics is that people expect results immediately, especially the middle-class and downtrodden. 

Nine months in government is too short a period according to the ruling parties but people will not be bothered by that. 

Consider the cases of KCR and Modi. Prior to the elections, someone expressing their resentment at either KCR or Modi by burning their effigies would have been unthinkable! Such was the positive mood created by these leaders in favor of the people. 

But nine months after coming to power, students in Telangana have burnt effigies of KCR for not doing justice to them and yesterday in Anantpur, cops foiled a bid by CPI activists to burn an effigy of Modi over the ‘special status to AP’ issue and arrest of their leader Ramakrishna. 

When a single day is an eternity in politics where anything can happen overnight, nine months is just way too long, at least for the ‘Aam Aadmi’ .