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PCC Should Speak In One Voice At GoM

Congress senior leader and former minister Mohammad Ali Shabbir on Monday said that the party leaders should speak in one tone over the issue of bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and PCC president Botsa Satyanaryana should send only one report to the Centre on the bifurcation modalities.

Shabbir Ali said that the personal opinions hold no value after the announcement of its judgment on Telangana issue by the Congress high command. 

He said that the Congress Working Committee had taken a decision in favour of formation of Telangana State and all the Congress leaders should abide by it and hence, the PCC should send suggestions on the issues to be addressed after the bifurcation of State.

He said efforts should be made to ensure that the two Telugu States prosper and register growth in all sectors. 

He said that the Congress high command has already announced its decision on Telangana and even started the process of bifurcation after holding a series of consultations with different stakeholders. 

Therefore, he said that the party leaders should not try to dilute the party's stand by giving their individual views.