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Pawan's Words Come True! RSS Furious With KCR?

Pawan's Words Come True! RSS Furious With KCR?

KCR was once again denied an appointment by Narendra Modi and KCR has only himself to blame for it!

Even last year, when KCR was present at the ‘Chief Ministers’ meeting’ in Delhi, he had sought a personal appointment with Modi which did not materialize.

It is rare for the Prime Minister being unable to accommodate the visit of a Chief Minister and this only indicates the extent of Modi’s displeasure with KCR.  

Modi and KCR are clearly not on the best of terms. During the election campaign, KCR had referred to Modi as a ‘Sannasi’.

Later on, Pawan Kalyan addressing an election meeting in Telangana questioned KCR’s use of language.

“Is this the kind of language you use against a Prime Minister designate?” asked Pawan Kalyan. He further added, “The new State of Telangana would need a lot of assistance from the Center for its development. If KCR speaks in such a boorish manner, how can the people of Telangana expect the Center to support the new State?”

But KCR paid no heed and continued in the same vein. After seven villages of Telangana were merged in AP, KCR called Modi, a ‘fascist’.

But of late, realizing that he needed Central funds for his grandiose schemes, KCR asked the TRS to go easy on the BJP. He hoped that after a series of pacifist measures, he can get the Center to sanction funds for his pet projects.

But the RSS has been apprised of KCR’s love and all- out measures to appease the minorities. They are apparently disgusted with KCR’s policies. Also, after the bifurcation, AP and Telangana are not important states in terms of clout at the Center.

Better luck next time, KCR!