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Pawan Kalyan Will Not Question Till 2017?

Pawan Kalyan Will Not Question Till 2017?

There is one question on the minds of many people and that is will Pawan Kalyan not question till 2017?

According to one story from tinsel ville, Pawan is said to have disclosed the same to his close aides.

Apparently, some farmers who will have to give up land for land pooling, approached Pawan Kalyan a few days and told him about their problems. They expressed concern that they had voted for TDP and BJP hoping that all would be well.

Instead, the government was taking away their lands and harassing those refusing to part with them. They also requested Pawan Kalyan to question the government.

But Pawan is said to have told them clearly that he will remain silent till 2017. However, he is said to have assured them that he will respond at an appropriate time regarding the issue.

Wonder why Pawan who promised that he would question the government is keeping silent now?