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No offices yet for TRS, Cong in Assembly

Surprising as it might sound, though the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh was done one and a half month ago, allocation of offices among the ruling TRS, Opposition Congress and other parties in Telangana Assembly premises is yet to complete.

Lack of coordination or clarity is said to be the reason why confusion is prevailing among the political parties on their office premises. Despite the delay, the officials are yet it again.

Though the officials allotted the premises of earlier CLP office to the TRS, they did a mistake which led to confusion and a controversy among the leaders. The same premises was also allotted to AP Chief Whip K Srinivasul.

In a similar way, the officials also allotted a room to a political party which was already allotted to Government whip Prabhakar.

The TRS Party is to occupy the premises of CLP office at ground floor and the Congress will occupy TRS office premises upstairs, sources said.