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Nippu Tho National Game

Nippu Tho National Game

Having achieved his goal of statehood and also supposedly, unimaginable wealth thanks to the T-agitation, KCR is right now on cloud nine and thinks he is the emperor of all.

However in refusing to either merge his Party with the Congress or have an alliance with it, he might have just made the biggest blunder of his career so far.

Sonia Gandhi single handedly using the time-tested policy of divide and rule has managed to completely outsmart all the politicians of Andhra Pradesh.

KCR might think that he has absolute control over everything but to a neutral observer who looks at things from a broader perspective, he is just another pawn on the chess board of Sonia.

Even if the Congress were to go alone in the coming polls, it would still win decent number of seats in Telangana. But if there were to be a CBI enquiry on KCR now, the entire TRS Party will collapse like a pack of cards overnight as it is a one man show and the rest of the flock will scurry for cover.

The rest of Telangana will simply not bother as Telangana having been achieved; they would be busy fighting among themselves for the spoils of war. There is one popular dialogue of Sunil in Athadu: Nippu tho national game aduthunnav. That is precisely what KCR is doing.