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Narendra Modi's Four Guidelines

Narendra Modi's Four Guidelines

This year, the elections have been fought based on the promise of change and good governance. Though his detractors are trying to bog down Modi due to his allegiance to the right leaning-Saffron party, the newly appointed Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi appears to be keen on bringing about changes in the traditional patterns entrenched in Indian politics.

He has issued four guidelines to all members:

Refrain from appointing family members and relatives to key posts based only on relationship.

Tone down familial ties and refrain from bias while holding public offices.

Do not give contracts to family members.

Act responsibly while conducting yourselves in public spaces.

While the guidelines are commendable, the immediate reaction was that it was easy for Narendra Modi to issue them as he has no family.

It is being felt that such changes will be possible only when they are implemented all over the country.

It has to be noted that the Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi too had vociferously advocated ending of family-based politics in India prior to general elections.

So, it remains to be seen if Namo’s guidelines will initiate the much-awaited change in Indian politics.