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Naidu Treating State As Fiefdom

Naidu Treating State As Fiefdom

Hyderabad: Holding assembly sessions at resorts and private buildings would bring down the sanctity and prestige of the coveted House YSR Congress has said and admonished Chandrababu Naidu for treating the State as his fiefdom.

"It is very cumbersome that the TDP Government is contemplating to hold the ensuing budget session at a resort or at a private place bringing down the dignity of the august house as Chandrababu Naidu is obsessed with temporary arrangements," party MLAG Srikanth Reddy told reporters here on Wednesday.

Chandrababu Naidu has become a monarch and has left the democracy to winds with his tentative decisions and the idea of holding assembly session at a private place and the leaders visiting the place as if to oversee the arrangements is in a bad spirit, he said.

Public money is being wasted on extravaganza and the welfare component is being drastically cut. Though Chief Minister has promised jobs and assured that all contract workers will be regularized, more than 40,000 workers were ousted, he said.

The Aarogyasri staff, numbering about 5,000, are been shown the door on some flimsy ground or the other and a sort of insecurity has been spread among the employees. The state has been resorting to political vendetta by suspending our MLA RK Roja for one year in a cover up bid as the government was caught on the wrong foot in the Call Money cum sex racket and when our party MP had questioned the airport Manager about the lack of facilities a case of assault was booked against him.

These are but some incidents of the authoritarian attitude of the government. Chandrababu Naidu has been treating the state like his fiefdom and taking anti-people decisions which will boomerang one day, he said.