The two-day meeting of the experts committee to decide on the Amaravati designs that concluded on Thursday evening felt that the designs of the capital city would reflect Telugu culture and history.
It was felt that the government offices should reflect the ancient `manduva logili’ structures for free flow of air and Sunlight. The buildings should be named with historical names. Some of the members suggested that the Assembly building should reflect Chandragiri fort.
Another expert suggested that the structures in the capital should reflect ancient kingdoms, including those of Satavahanas, Ikshvakus, Salankayanas and Buddhists.
At the same time, they should adopt the technology of Los Angeles structures to bring down temperature. A retired archaeological official said the buildings should reflect the Buddhism traces in Amaravati region.
Cine architect Anand Sai, who worked for Gautamiputra Satakarni said the entire Amaravathi city should be in one colour for more attraction.
Another expert said the structures should reflect the history of Kalinga kingdom. Historian Sivanagi Reddy said the structures in Amaravati should reflect the culture of all regions of the State.
Ultimately, it is not clear how these experts are going to design Amaravati. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Don’t they?