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Modi Insulted Chandrababu In Delhi?

Modi Insulted Chandrababu In Delhi?

Narendra Modi was the center of attraction in Manthan convention held by Delhi students. 

No body cared Chandrababu Naidu who was part of the event. When his turn has come he praised Modi with high words like 'both Gandhi and Modi have come from same soil and Gujarat is the number one state in the nation in terms of development'. 

But when Modi's turn has come he didn't even say a word about Chandrababu. 

Though Chandrababu, who was regarded as statesman once upon a time stooped down badly to attract the attention of Modi. But when some industrialists have come after the event, Modi said to Chandrababu, "We will meet again" and left with them. 

Chandrababu was upset with the whole thing and felt insulted as Modi ignored, say sources.