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MLA's Daughter Gets Dengue, Municipal Staff On Toes!

MLA's Daughter Gets Dengue, Municipal Staff On Toes!

There is a strong argument that in India there is no value for life of 'aam aadmi'. This is because the governments and officials act only whenever there is a threat to lives of VIPs or their family members.

Take the instance of dengue outbreak in Hyderabad now. Scores of people are dying every day due to dengue. But officials never bothered to clean the surroundings, which is the prime reason for spread of dengue-causing mosquitoes.

Recently, BJP leader and Uppal MLA NVSS Prabhakar's daughter got dengue fever and hospitalised.

As soon as this news broke out, municipal officials in Uppal took up a special drive to clean all the localities surrounding the MLA's residence on a war-footing basis.

Within hours, the Ramanthapur locality, where the MLA resides,  became 'clean and green' with officials taking up anti-larval operations, fogging, bleaching etc and what not.

Locals were shocked to see the speed at which the officials and staff of municipal department can do the works if they are really sincere and committed.

But they were angry that, this sincerity and commitment comes out from them only if VIPs or their family members suffer but not for common people, who pay their hard-earned money in the form of various taxes to municipalities.