While there are plenty of Telugu news, digital and satellite channels, many more are mushrooming by the day. Of course, it goes without saying that 99 percent of these are propaganda houses for one political party or the other.
Despite operating in losses, these media houses survive on dole- outs from the politicians. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the channels to pay their staff.
One digital channel recently took a license as a satellite channel as well. They needed a reporter for two districts in Uttarandhra and finally got one prospect.
The youngster who applied however was asked to pay Rs 15,000 to the channel upon which he would be given a mike with the channel’s logo on it.
He was told that he would not be paid any salary and had to extort money from errant quarry owners, wine shops, real-estate people, politicians etc. He could keep the money for himself and just send the channel any interesting news.
Quite an innovative HR policy and this is the sorry state of affairs of journalism in the Telugu States today.