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Many Names for Jagan...

Many Names for Jagan...

It’s a norm for people to have pet names apart from their original names. 

Close aides and family might call a person by one name while he could be known to the world with his actual name. 

But if you follow the verbal exchange between political leaders, you can make out that they call each other with all kinds of names. 

For example, ex minister Mareppa called Jagan a snake. He said that just like a snake that ate up its own children, Jagan was eating up his party members. 

The TDP Seemandhra leaders called him a chameleon saying that Jagan was actually for bifurcation though he publicly maintained that he was for Samaikyandhra. 

Anam Vivekananda Reddy called him a wolf in the garb of a goat. Wonder what else he will be called in future!