BC leader R Krishnaiah has declared a Telangana Bandh on November 17 in protest against the Congress Party allotting only 13 tickets to BCs whereas the Reddys were given 23 tickets.
The BC population is 56% in Telangana whereas less than 20% of BCs were named in the list,” lamented Krishnaiah.
Now, dear Krishnaiah, you are not a member of the Congress Party, how then can you pull up the Congress for distributing tickets in a certain way?
You merely reap benefits from playing the BC card but have you ever done anything for your community?
Did you not continue as a TDP MLA and enjoy the full benefits of being an MLA although you never did anything for the Party?
And now, here’s the thing! If tickets are to be allotted according to the size of population then let us take the dispute between Andhra and Telangana.
Telangana is happy with the assets of undivided Andhra Pradesh being divided in proportion to the size of population of the two States but it wants Andhra Pradesh to bear the lion’s share of the debts and not according to the population formula.
Why don’t you speak about this to KCR, Krishnaiah? After all, this is what is correct when you are asking for seats on the basis of numbers, right?
As our elders say……Yendaro Mahanubhavulu . Great people can come from any caste, religion or region. When it comes to leading people, the sole criteria should be ability. Do we have a system in place that results in the best people leading us?
We should worry about things like that and not whether my caste people have been given tickets or not.
Written By Kiran Sharma
(The author is a freelance writer. Views are personal)