It seems swift moves are being made by the Congress high command to "isolate" the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy and expedite the process for creation of Telangana state.
After observing the actions of the Chief Minister in the past few weeks, the party leadership has come to the conclusion that he would never cooperate in the process to bifurcate the state.
His open revolt against the Congress Working Committee's July 30 decision to carve out Telangana state has made the central leadership more cautious.
The party bosses in Delhi has drawn up a strategy to cut the Chief Minister to size and isolate him. As a result, either he will quit on his own or force the high command to replace him.
In both the cases, Kiran will project himself as a martyr for the cause of united Andhra Pradesh.
Instead of giving him a long rope, the party's top leadership has now decided to ignore him completely and go ahead with the division process at a rapid pace.
According to indications from Delhi, the Telangana process will now be put on fast-track and see that entire formalities get over as quickly as possible.
This will be done, irrespective of whether Chief Minister cooperates or not. Even the Telangana resolution will not be put for voting in the State Assembly as it is bound to be defeated in view of the majority of the Seemandhra members.
As part of the constitutional procedure, only the "opinion" of the Assembly will be sought and irrespective of the nature of the opinion, the Centre will go ahead with the formation of Telangana state with Hyderabad as the capital.