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Just Go Ahead And Do It!

“We are open for talks with the Telangana government. We have already written a letter to them to which they haven’t responded. we will wait for four more days and then approach the High Court and also the Center if Telangana continues to levy motor vehicle tax on AP vehicle,” said AP Transport Minister, Siddha Raghava Rao.

It is clear that KCR has absolutely no intention of going back on his decision. Why then does AP keep giving out statements like waiting for four days or five days?

Taking the matter up with the Center will also probably yield no result and taking up the issue with the Governor is a waste of time.

AP need not set any deadlines to seek relief from KCR’s motor ‘Jiziya’. It should straightaway approach the High Court or the Supreme Court. It is absurd to tax vehicles for entering their own capital city.