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JP wants to follow Kejriwal

JP wants to follow Kejriwal

Lok Satta Party president Jayaprakash Narayan appears to be envy of the success achieved by Aam Admi Party president Arvind Kejriwal in New Delhi and wants to emulate his model, despite the fact that the LSP has failed to present an alternative political model in the State on the lines of AAP.

In a bid to copy Kejriwal, JP on Thursday called upon Andhra Pradesh voters to teach a lesson to traditional parties which have forfeited their right to rule the State. 

“Unable to resolve their internal crisis on the Telangana issue, these parties have turned the State into a cauldron by fueling animosities among people of different regions,” he said.

He said pointed out that the traditional parties have been playing with the lives of people for the last three years. 

With administration at a standstill, people’s problems are going unattended. 

He appealed to people to elect those who are wedded to ethical politics and capable of providing good governance and not those who are jumping ships to safeguard their positions.