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JP wants more time to study T-bill

JP wants more time to study T-bill

Lok Satta Party president and Kukatpalli MLA Dr Jayaprakash Narayan on Monday requested Assembly Speaker Nadendla Manohar to give him and other members enough time, along with information on a number of aspects of the AP Reorganization Bill-2013, to study the same and have a meaningful discussion.

Describing it as a Bill of great significance with potentially long-term and profound consequences, JP told the Speaker that the members were entitled to full information in advance and an opportunity to study its provisions and relevant information before the discussion commences.

In a letter addressed to the Speaker, he said the information on various aspects of the bill was “absolutely essential” to facilitate “a careful, objective and dispassionate examination” of the bill.

“Till the members get a thorough understanding of the bill, discussion cannot take place,” he asserted.