Veteran Bharatiya Janata Party leader and former Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani was the most unlucky person in the party.
Despite his great services to the party, he did not get his due and was not considered even for the President of India post, leave alone Prime Minister of India. So, he is gradually retiring from politics by 2019.
Now, the Congress party in Telangana, too, has one such Advani. He is none other than veteran Congress Legislature Party leader K Jana Reddy.
In fact, Jana himself claimed that he was like Advani in the Telangana Congress party and had never aspired for big positions.
“Lal Krishna Advani get a lot of respect from the party leaders, but he had not been able to reach the top most position. “I too come under the same category. I am getting full respect, love from party men. I am trying to coordinate with the party leaders at my level best,” Jana said, adding “I do work for the growth of the party”.
He said he had no problem if any other Congressman becomes the Chief Minister of the state in 2019 elections, “The high command may not dare to offer PCC president post before the 2019 elections. But I do play my role perfectly. I am not giving publicity to the coordination works done within the party thinking deeply that the publicity may boom rang”, he said.
He was reacting to an observation made by another senior leader T Jeevan Reddy that there was a common feeling across the people and party that the Congress would have done better if given TPCC position to Jana Reddy before 2014 elections.
Jana said that means people and party cadre have respect at him.